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이범진약제학 연구실
- 이메일 : bjl@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3442
- 환자맞춤형 약물전달기술
- 생체이용률조절 융복합 기술
- Nano-conjugation을 이용한 BA 조절 기술
Kang TH, Amin HH, Lee BJ (2016) Patient friendly strategy via chemical modification of proteins and peptides in oral delivery. Advances and Challenges in Oral Delivery of Macromolecules 28-45
Nguyen HV, Nguyen VH, Lee BJ (2016) Dual release and molecular mechanism of bilayered aceclofenac tablet using polymer mixture. International Jouranl of Pharmaceutics 515:233-244 (IF 3.994)
Kang TH, Cho YH, Park CH, Kim SD, Oh EC, Cui JH, Cao OR and Lee BJ (2016) Effect of biomimetic shear stress on intracellular uptake and cell-killing efficiency of doxorubicin in a free and liposomal formulation. International Jouranl of Pharmaceutics 510(1):42-47 (IF 3.994)
Park CH, Vo LNC, Kang TH, Oh EC, Lee BJ (2015) New method and characterization of self-assembled gelatin-oleic nanoparticles using a desolvation method via carbodiimide/N-hydroxysuccinimide (EDC/NHS) reaction. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 89:365-373 (IF 4.245)
Tran HLP, Tran TDT, Lee BJ (2014) Biodistribution and pharmacokinetics in rats and antitumor effect in various types of tumor-bearing mice of novel self-assembled gelatin-oleic acid nanoparticles containing paclitaxel. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 10(1):154-165 (IF 3.929)
김소희약물학/약동학 연구실
- 이메일 : shkim67@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3451
- 신약 후보물질의 비임상 in vivo/in vitro 약동학적 특성, 약물상호작용 및 simulation 연구
- Butyrate-resistant 대장암에서 항암제 내성 표적 발굴 및 조절기전 연구
- 고형암 모델에서 azole계 약물에 의한 항암효과 및 조절기전 연구
Hong SS, Choi JY, Kim JO, Lee MK, Kim SH*, Lim SJ* (2016) Development of paclitaxel-loaded liposomal nanocarrier stabilized by triglyceride incorporation. Int J Nanomed 11:4465-4477 (* equally contributed) (IF 4.383)
Hong SS, Kim SH*, Lim SJ* (2015) Effects of triglycerides on the hydrophobic drug loading capacity of saturated phosphatidylcholine-based liposomes. Int J Pharm 483:142-150 (IF 3.650) (* equally contributed)
Ramnath N, Nadal E, Jeon CK, Sandoval J, Colocino J, Rozek LS, Christensen PJ, Esteller M, Beer DG, Kim SH (2014) Epigenetic regulation of vitamin D metabolism in human lung adenocarcinoma. J Thorac Oncol 9:473-482 (IF 5.90)
Kim SH, Chen G, King AN, Jeon CK, Christensen PJ, Zhao L, Simpson RU, Thomas DG, Giordano, TJ, Brenner DE, Hollis B, Bee DG, Ramnath N (2012) Characterization of vitamin D receptor (VDR) in lung adenocarcinoma. Lung Cancer 27:265-271 (IF 3.737)
Chen G*, Kim SH*, King AN, Zhao L, Simpson RU, Christensen PJ, Wang Z, Thomas DG, Giordano TJ, Lin L, Brenner DE, Beer DG, Ramnath N (2011) CYP24A1 is an independent prognostic marker of survival in patients with lung adenocarcinoma. Clin. Cancer Res 17:817-826. (* equally contributed) (IF 7.74)
- 이메일 : ghim@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3452
- 바이오활성가스 조절물질 탐색 및 기전연구
- 인산당을 포함하는 당화합물 활성연구
- 세포내소기관 기능 조절 연구
백승훈약품분석학 연구실
- 이메일 : shbaek@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3449
- 생리활성 천연성분 발굴 연구
- 천연고분자 성분의 구조분석 및 항암 기전 연구
- 의약품/의약외품 중 유해물질 모니터
Kim SE, Park HJ, Jeong HK, Kim MJ, Kim M, Bae ON, Baek SH* (2015) Autophagy sustains the survival of human pancreatic cancer PANC-1 cells under extreme nutrient deprivation conditions. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 463(3): 205-210 (IF 2.297)
Baek SH, Jang H, Kim H (2015) Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor Macakurzin C and Its Derivatives. Synlett 26:1131-1134. (IF 2.323)
Baek SH, Noh AR, Kim KA, Akram M, Shin YJ, Kim ES, Yu SW, Majid A, and Bae ON (2014) Modulation of mitochondrial function and autophagy mediates carnosine neuroprotection against ischemic brain damage. Stroke 45(8):2438-2443 (IF 5.723)
Baek, S.H., Bae, O.N., and Park, J.H. (2012), Recent Methodology in Ginseng Analysis, J Ginseng Res, 36(2):119-34 (IF 2.815)
Baek SH, Lee JG, Park SY, Bae ON, Kim DH, and Park JH (2010) Pectic Polysaccharides from Panax ginseng as the Antirotavirus Principals in Ginseng, Biomacromolecules, 11(8):2044-2052 (IF 5.583)
박영준산업약제학 연구실
- 이메일 : parkyj64@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3447
- - 아주대학교 약학대학 정교수 및 학과장 (2014.03~현재)
- - CJ제일제당 제약연구소 자문역 (2013.08~2014.02)
- - CJ제일제당 제약연구소 상무이사/연구소장 (2010.10~2013.07)
- - 삼일제약(주) 중앙연구소 상무이사/연구소장 (2007.10~2010.09)
- - (주)유한양행 중앙연구소 제품연구실장 (2003.04~2007.07)
- - (주)유한양행 중앙연구소 책임연구원 (1991.07~2003.03)
- 1. 국가 과제 주관 책임자 및 참여 연구원
- (1) 주관책임자
- a) 보건의료과제 주관연구책임자 “편두통치료용 구강속붕해 제제 개발 (1998~2000)
- b) 중소기업청과제 주관연구 책임자 “ 고지혈증 치료용 개량신약 개발 (2008~2010)
- c) 산업통상부 선도형 기술개발사업 주관연구 책임자
- “제2형 당뇨병 환자의 심혈관계 질환 위험성 감소를 위한 복합 치료제 개발(2012~2013)
- (2) 보건의료 및 과학기술처 과제 참여
- - “고분자를 이용한 관해 유도 치료제, 알러지 치료용 서방 캅셀제”
- -“ YH1885계 항궤양제 개발”
- - 당뇨병 치료제 개발
- 2. 한국 발명진흥회 주관 “특허분쟁 대비 특허정보 지원 사업”
- - “ 개량신약 기술” 분야 참여연구원 (2005)
- - “ 나노 의약품 기술” 분야 기술자문위원 (2006)
- - “ 광학이성체 화합물” 분야 기술 자문위원 (2007)
- 3. 학회 임원
- - 한국 약제학회 학술 간사 (2007~2010)
- - 한국 약제학회 산학 협력 간사 (2007~2010)
- - 한국 약제학회 편집위원 (2008~현재)
- - 팜텍 편집위원 (2008~현재)
- - 대한 약학회 간사 (2008~현재)
- - 한국 약제학회 학술위원 및 산관학 간사 (2012~현재)
- - 한국 독성학회 미래전략위원회 위원 (2012~현재)
- 4. 기타
- - 식품의약품안전청 연구개발 기획단 운영위원 (2010~2012.12)
- - 조선대학교 약학대학 외래교수 (2007~2010)
- - 아주대학교 약학대학 겸임교수 (2012.03~2012.12)
- - 보건 복지부 보건정책 심의위원회 전문위원 (2011~2013.05)
- - 한국 제약협회 천연물위원회 간사 (2011~2013.07)
- - 한국 제약협회 연구개발위원회 위원 (2011~2013.07)
- - 한국 신약연구조합 천연물의약품 연구회 부회장 (2011~현재)
- - 한국 세포주 연구재단 이사 (2011~2013.12)
- - 약업신문 및 월간의약정보 편집 자문위원 (2012~2013)
- - 보건의료 연구개발 전략 기획위원회 자문위원 (2012~2013.02)
- - 식약청 중앙약사 심의회 전문위원 (2013~2014.05)
- - 보건복지부 제약산업 5개년 계획 기획위원회 연구개발 분과 위원 (2012~2013.05)
- - 코리아 바이오 경제 포럼 의약바이오 분과 위원/산업기술 평가원 바이오 발전 전략 기획위원 (2013~현재)
- - 2009년 한국 약제학회 제제기술상 수상
- - 2011년 대한 약학회 약학기술인상 수상
- 환자 맞춤형 약물 전달시스템 연구
- 체내 약물 흡수 조절 및 가용화 제제 연구
- 환자 복용 편리성 제형화 연구 (투여경로 변경 등)
- 나노입자 약물 전달체 연구(나노파티클, 리포좀, 나노분산체, 스마트 약물 전달체, 병소 표적 약물 전달체)
- 약물 방출 제어 시스템 연구(주사용 서방 제제, 경구용 서방 제제, Depo 약물 방출 제어 시스템)
- 신약의 Preformulation, 비임상 비히클 연구, 신약 제형 연구
- 의약품 생산 기술 연구 (QbD, 생산공정 개선)
- 의약품 개발 연구 전략 수립 및 의약품 개발 자문
김형수약품제조학 연구실
- 이메일 : hkimajou@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3448
- 헤테로 고리 화합물의 효율적 합성법 연구
- 생리활성을 지니는 천연물 전합성 연구
- 필수지방산의 체내 테트라하이드로퓨란 대사체 합성과 생리활성 연구
Kiyoun Lee, Hyoungsu Kim, Jiyong Hong (2012), N-Heterocyclic Carbene Catalyzed Oxidative Macrolactonization: Total Synthesis of (+)-Dactylolide. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 51(23), 5735–5738.
Hongjun Jang, Iljin Shin, Dongjoo Lee, Hyoungsu Kim, Deukjoon Kim (2016), Stereoselective Substrate-Controlled Asymmetric Syntheses of both 2,5-cis- and 2,5-trans-Tetrahydrofuranoid Oxylipids: Stereodivergent Intramolecular Amide Enolate Alkylation,Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 55(22), 6497-6501.
Iljin Shin, Dongjoo Lee, Hyoungsu Kim, (2016) Substrate-Controlled Asymmetric Total Synthesis and Structure Revision of (–)-Bisezakyne A,Org. Lett. 18(17), 4420−4423.
서민덕물리약학/구조생물학 연구실
- 이메일 : mdseo@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3450
- 단백질/펩타이드의 3차원 구조 연구
- 단백질-단백질, 단백질-약물 상호작용 연구
- 단백질 구조 기반 약물 디자인
Kim J, Seok SH, Hong E, Yoo TH, Seo MD*, Ryu Y* (2017) Crystal structure and characterization of esterase Est25 mutants reveal improved enantioselectivity toward (S)-ketoprofen ethyl ester. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol In press (IF 3.376)
Lee SY, Yoo HS, Choi HS, Chung KY*, SeoMD* (2016) Structural and dynamic insights into the subtype-specific IP3-binding mechanism of the IP3 receptor. Biochem J 473:3533-3543 (IF 3.562)
Kim HN*, Seok SH*, Chung KY, Son WS, and SeoMD (2015) Expression, purification and structural characterization of the type 1-specific ATP binding site of IP3 receptor (IP3R1-ATPA). Process Biochemistry 50:1600-1606 (IF 2.529)
Li C*, Enomoto M*, Rossi AM*, SeoMD*, Rahman T, Stathopulos PB, Taylor CW, Ikura M, and Ames JB (2013) CaBP1, a neuronal Ca2+sensorprotein,inhibitsinositoltrisphosphatereceptorsbyclampingintersubunitinteractions. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110:8507-8512 (IF 9.423)
Seo MD*, Velamakanni S*, Ishiyama N, Stathopulos PB, Rossi AM, Khan SA, Dale P, Li C, Ames JB, Ikura M, and Taylor CW (2012) Structural and functional conservation of key domains in InsP3 and ryanodine receptors. Nature 483:108-112 (IF 41.458)
신수영임상약학 연구실
- 이메일 : syshin@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3456
- 중환자 약물치료
- 심혈관/내분비질환 약물치료
Shin S,* Kim H (2016). The effect of sitagliptin on cardiovascular risk profile in Korean patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a retrospective cohort study. Ther Clin Risk Manag 12:435-44 (IF 1.903)
Shin S,* Harthan EF (2015). Safety and efficacy of the use of institutional unfractionated heparin protocols for therapeutic anticoagulation in obese patients: a retrospective chart review. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 26(6):655-60 (IF 1.242)
Shin S (2015). Evaluation of Costs Accrued through Inadvertent Continuation of Hospital-Initiated Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapy for Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis Beyond Hospital Discharge: A Retrospective Chart Review. Ther Clin Risk Manag 24;11:649-57 (IF 1.903)
Shin S,* Lee S (2014). Niacin as a drug repositioning candidate for hyperphosphatemia management in dialysis patients. Ther Clin Risk Manag 14;10:875-83 (IF 1.903)
Shin S,1 Park SW,1 Kim CH, Ko AR, Kwak MJ, Nam MH, Park SY, Kim SJ, Sohn YB, Galinsky RE, Kim H, Yeo Y, Jin DK (2010). Differential Effects of Insufflated, Subcutaneous, and Intravenous Growth Hormone on Bone Growth, Cognitive Function, and NMDA Receptor Subunit Expression. Endocrinology 151(9):4418-27 (IF 4.159)
- 이메일 : sgpark@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3453
- 줄기세포 유래 신생혈관 및 췌장암을 동시에 타겟하는 항체치료제 개발
- 류마티스 관절염 치료용 항체 치료제 개발
- 줄기세포를 이용한 인공혈액(적혈구) 분화기술 개발
- 새로운 세포주기 조절인자 발굴 및 이를 타겟하는 항암제 개발
- 천연물 유래 합성화합물을 이용한 고지혈/당뇨 치료제 개발
1.[논문] Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid, a Bile Acid, Promotes Blood Vessel Repair by Recruiting Vasculogenic Progenitor Cells (STEM CELLS) - 2014.11
박상규, 이준희, 홍신희, 이한나, 김철민, 권상모, 윤강준, 오배준, 김재현, 정석윤, Takayuki Asahara, 조진구, 김서윤
2.[논문] Isolation of adipose-derived stem cells by using a subfractionation culturing method (EXPERT OPINION ON BIOLOGICAL THERAPY) - 2014.11
박상규, 이택기, 김왕균, 최준석, 송승용, 한준희, 성종혁, 김원석, 이현주, 조윤경, 황성주, 송순욱, 김지혜
3.[논문] Functional Regulation of Adipose-derived Stem Cells by PDGF-D (STEM CELLS) - 2014.10
박상규, 성종혁, 송순욱, 김지혜, 김왕균
4.[논문] Herpesvirus-associated ubiquitin-specific protease (HAUSP) modulates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) stability through its deubiquitinating activity (JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY) - 2013.11
박상규, 조진구, 김철민, 강아영, 박경수, 안병용, 정성수, 임기환, 백광현, 성종혁, 이경원, 김민
5.[논문] ARS-interacting multi-functional protein 1 induces proliferation of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells by accumulation of β-catenin via fibroblast growth factor receptor 2-mediated activation of Akt (STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT) - 2013.10
박상규, 손우성, 이수홍, 김철민, 차병현, 윤강준, 김서윤, 박민철
1.[논문] Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid, a Bile Acid, Promotes Blood Vessel Repair by Recruiting Vasculogenic Progenitor Cells (STEM CELLS) - 2014.11
박상규, 이준희, 홍신희, 이한나, 김철민, 권상모, 윤강준, 오배준, 김재현, 정석윤, Takayuki Asahara, 조진구, 김서윤
2.[논문] Isolation of adipose-derived stem cells by using a subfractionation culturing method (EXPERT OPINION ON BIOLOGICAL THERAPY) - 2014.11
박상규, 이택기, 김왕균, 최준석, 송승용, 한준희, 성종혁, 김원석, 이현주, 조윤경, 황성주, 송순욱, 김지혜
3.[논문] Functional Regulation of Adipose-derived Stem Cells by PDGF-D (STEM CELLS) - 2014.10
박상규, 성종혁, 송순욱, 김지혜, 김왕균
4.[논문] Ultrasound-mediated gene and drug delivery using a microbubble-liposome particle system (THERANOSTICS) - 2014.09
박상규, 윤태종, 권용수, 조희상, 허선희, 박경순, 이수홍, 황승일, 김영일, 제환준, 안국준, 조영석, 이학호, 이학종, 윤영일
5.[논문] The expression of aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetase-interacting multifunctional protein-1 (Aimp1) is regulated by estrogen in the mouse uterus (MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY) - 2014.08
박상규, 정지혜, 박미리, 박미선, 임은진, Haengseok Song, 최은, 홍권호, 이동률, 고정재, 최영석, 김혜련
6.[논문] SMAD4 suppresses AURKA-induced Metastatic Phenotypes via Degradation of AURKA in a TGF-beta-independent manner (MOLECULAR CANCER RESEARCH) - 2014.07
박상규, Lina Jia, 이훈석, Chun Fu Wu, Juthika Kundu, 김용남, 신영기, Ozgur Cem Erkin, 최종선, 채승완, 양호빈, 최윤라, 왕리휘
7.[논문] The molecular mechanism underlying the proliferating and preconditioning effect of vitamin C on adipose-derived stem cells (STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT) - 2014.06
박상규, 김지혜, 김왕균, 성영관, 곽미희, 송승용, 성종혁, 이택기, 이현주, 김대덕, 서현민, 송순욱, 최준석
8.[논문] The role of tauroursodeoxycholic acid on adipogenesis of human adipose-derived stem cells by modulation of ER stress (BIOMATERIALS) - 2014.03
박상규, 차병현, 김진수, 이수홍, 김희천, 김병수, 한동근, 안종찬
9.[논문] Herpesvirus-associated ubiquitin-specific protease (HAUSP) modulates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) stability through its deubiquitinating activity (JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY) - 2013.11
박상규, 조진구, 김철민, 강아영, 박경수, 안병용, 정성수, 임기환, 백광현, 성종혁, 이경원, 김민
10.[논문] ARS-interacting multi-functional protein 1 induces proliferation of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells by accumulation of β-catenin via fibroblast growth factor receptor 2-mediated activation of Akt (STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT) - 2013.10
박상규, 손우성, 이수홍, 김철민, 차병현, 윤강준, 김서윤, 박민철
11.[논문] Reactive oxygen species-responsive miR-210 regulates proliferation and migration of adipose-derived stem cells via PTPN2 (CELL DEATH & DISEASE) - 2013.04
박상규, 성종혁, 김진경, 김지혜, 송승용
12.[논문] Convergent evolution of two different random RNAs for specific interaction with methionyl-tRNA synthetase (BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS) - 2013.03
박상규, 김규엽, 조영준, 강태희
특허 및 기타 1.[특허] 혈관신생을 위한 스텐트 코팅용 조성물 및 이의 용도 (출원) (10-2014-0168366) - 2014.11
윤태종나노 약학 연구실
- 이메일 : tjyoon@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3458
- 나노 소재 개발 및 체외진단 시스템 개발 연구
- 항암제 저항성이 높은 암 대상 치료 개발 연구
- 다중 영상 가능 소재를 이용한 guided-therapy 연구
Yoon YI, Ju KY, Cho HS, Yu KN, Lee JJ, Ahn GJ, Lee SH, Cho MH, Lee HJ, Lee JK, Yoon TJ (2015) Enhancement of cancer specific delivery using ultrasound active bio-originated particles. Chem Commun 51:9455-9458 (IF 6.834)
Yoon YI, Kwon YS, Cho HS, Heo SH, Park SK, Park SG, Lee SH, Hwang SI, Kim YI, Jae HW, Ahn GJ, Cho YS, Lee H, Lee HJ, Yoon TJ (2014) Ultrasound-mediated gene and drug delivery using a microbubble-liposome particle system, Theranostics, 4:1133-1144 (IF 8.022)
Cha JM, Kwon YS, Lee JK,Yoon TJ (2013) Relaxivity control of magnetic nanoclusters for efficient magnetic relaxation switching assay, Chem Commun, 49:457-459 (IF 6.834)
Yoon TJ, Lee H, Shao H, Hilerbrand SA, Weissleder R (2011) Multicore assemblies potentiate magnetic properties of biomagnetic nanoparticles, Adv Mater 23:4793-4797 (IF 17.493)
Yoon TJ, Lee H, Shao H, Weissleder R (2011) Highly magnetic core-shell nanoparticles with a unique magnetization mechanism, Angew Chem Int Ed 50:4663-4666 (IF 11.261)
이동주의약화학 연구실
- 이메일 : dongjoo@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3455
- 강력한 생리활성을 갖는 천연물의 입체선택적 전합성
- 합성학적으로 유용한 신규 유기합성 반응의 개발
- 생리활성을 갖는 천연물의 유도체 합성 연구를 통한 다양한 약리 후보물질 발굴
“A Concise Total Synthesis of 2-epi-(–)-Pachastrissamine via a Three-Component Tandem Cross-Metathesis/Intramolecular SN2’Substitution/Cross-Metathesis Sequence” Lee, D.* Synlett 2012, 23, 2840-2844.
“A Stereoselective Total Synthesis of (±)-Tormesol” Kim, H.; Bae, H.; Kim. S.; Kim, D.*; Lee, D.*; Paton, R. S. Tetrahedron 2011, 67, 10017-10025.
“A Cascade Resulting in the Reductive Ethynylation of Aldehydes: Dissection of its Components” Lee, D.; Danishefsky, S. J.* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 4427-4430.
“Total Synthesis of (+)-Tedanolide” Smith, A. B.*, III; Lee, D. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 10957-10962.
이숙향임상약학 연구실
- 이메일 : suklee@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3443
- Pharmacotherapy and Drug Untilization Evaluation
- EMR and Health Administration Big data based Clinical Research
- Pharmacovigilance with Computerized Adverse Drug Reaction Surveillance
Noh Y, Lee J, Shin S, Lim HS, Bae SK, Oh E, Kim GJ, Kim JH, Lee S. Antiplatelet Therapy of Cilostazol or Sarpogrelate with Aspirin and Clopidogrel after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Retrospective Cohort Study Using the Korean National Health Insurance Claim Database. PLosOne 2016;12:1533-1543.
- 이메일 : sychang@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3454
- 점막 조직의 수지상세포에 의한 면역 조절 기전
- 점막 면역 시스템과 공생 미생물과의 상호 작용 연구
- 면역 질환에 대한 치료 전략 연구
1) Kim YI, Lee BR, Cheon JH, Kwon BE, Kweon MN, Ko HJ,Chang SY. Compensatory roles of CD8+ T cells and plasmacytoid dendritic cells in gut immune regulation for reduced function of CD4+ Tregs. Oncotarget. 2016, 7(10):10947-10961 (IF 5.008).
2) Kim YI, Song JH, Kwon BE, Kim HN, Seo MD, Park K, Lee S, Yeo SG, Kweon MN, Ko HJ, ChangSY. Pros and cons of VP1-specific maternal IgG for the protection of Enterovirus 71 infection. Vaccine, 2015, 33(48):6604-6610 (IF 3.413).
3) Lee BR*, ChangSY*, Hong EH, Kwon BE, Kim HM, Kim YJ, Lee J, Cho HJ, Cheon JH, Ko HJ (* equally contributed). Elevated endoplasmic reticulum stress reinforced immunosuppression in the tumor microenvironment via myeloid-derived suppressor cells. Oncotarget. 2014 Dec 15;5(23):12331-45 (IF 6.627).
4) Hong EH*,ChangSY*, Lee BR, Kim YS, Lee JM, Kang CY, Kweon MN and Ko HJ (*co-first authors). Blockade of Myd88 signaling induces antitumor effects by skewing the immunosuppressive function of myeloid-derived suppressor cells. Int J Cancer, 2013, 132(12):2839-48 (IF 5.444).
5) Chang SY*, Song JH*, Guleng B, Cotoner CA, Arihiro S, Zhao Y, Chiang HS, O’Keeffe M, Liao G, Karp CL, Kweon MN, Sharpe AH, Bhan A, Terhorst C and Reinecker HC. (* equally contributed) Intestinal dendritic cells surveying circulatory antigens prior to induction of CD8+ T cells, Immunity, 2013 Jan 24;38(1):153-65 (IF: 21.637)
정이숙병태생리학 연구실
- 이메일 : yisjung@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3444
- 뇌혈관 장벽(Blood brain barrier) 병리기전연구를 통한 치매, 수면장애 및 우울증의치료타겟 발굴 및 유효성평가/약리기전연구를 통한 건기식 및 신약후보물질 발굴.
- 허혈성심혈관질환 및 혈전에 대한 유효성평가/약리기전연구를 통한 건기식 및 신약후보물질 발굴.
- 천식, 아토피 등 염증성 면역질환 모델에서 치료타겟 발굴 및 유효성 평가/약리기전연구를 통한 신약후보물질 발굴.
1. Kim TH, Lee KM, Hong ND, Jung YS* (2016) Anti-platelet and anti-thrombotic effect of a traditional herbal medicine Kyung-Ok-Ko. J Ethnopharmacol 178:172-179 (IF 3.055, <10%)
2. Lee BK, Jugn YS* (2016) Allium cepa extract and quercetin protect neuronal cells from oxidative stress via PKC-epsilon inactivation/ERK1/2 activation. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2016:2495624 (IF 4.492)
3. Lee BK, Yoon JS, Lee MG, Jung YS* (2014) Protein kinase C-beta mediates neuronal activation of Na+/H+ exchanger-1 during glutamate excitotoxicity. Cell Signal 26(4):697-704 (IF 4.191)
4. Lee DS, Kim TH, Jung YS* (2014) Inhibitory effect of allyl isothiocyanate on platelet aggregation. J Agr Food Chem 62:7131-7139 (IF 2.857, <5%)
5. Kim YA, Kim MY, Yu HY, Mishra SK, Lee JH, Choi KS, Kim JH, Xiang YK, Jung YS* (2013) Gadd45b is transcriptionally activated by p53 via p38a-mediated phosphorylation during myocardial ischemic injury. J Mol Med 91(11):1303-1313 (IF 4.855)
6. 특허
진효언생물의약품 연구실
- 이메일 : hjin@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3466
- 파지나노공학을 이용한 기능성 펩타이드와 항체 연구를 통한 진단 및 치료제
- 콜라겐 모사 펩타이드를 개발하여 콜라겐 타게팅 및 조직 재생에 응용
- 바이오의약품의 전달 시스템 개발 - Biobetter, 백신, 세포치료
Yoo SY, Jin HE, Choi DS, Kobayashi M, Farouz Y, Wang S &Lee SW. M13 Bacteriophage and Adeno-Associated Virus Hybrid for Novel Tissue Engineering Material with Gene Delivery Functions. Advanced Healthcare Materials 5(1), 88-93 (2016)
Jin HE, Zueger C, Wong W, Chung WJ, Lee BY &Lee SW. Selective and Sensitive Sensing of Flame Retardant Chemicals Through Phage Display Discovered Recognition Peptide. Nano Letters 15(11), 7697-7703 (2015)
Jin HE, Jang J, Chung J, Lee HJ, Wang E, Lee SW &Chung WJ. Biomimetic Self-Templated Hierarchical Structures of Collagen-Like Peptide Amphiphiles. Nano Letters 15(10), 7138-7145 (2015)
이한길사회약학 연구실
- 이메일 : hankil@ajou.ac.kr
- 전화번호 : 031-219-3459
- Economic Evaluation of Healthcare Technology
- Healthcare Big Data Analysis
- Health Outcomes Research
- Pediatric Pharmacotherapy
- Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety
- Vaccine Pharmacovigilance
- Pharmaceutical Policy
1. [논문] 이한길, Beom Kyung Kim, Sang Hoon Ahn, Sung In Jang, Cost-effectiveness analysis of antiviral therapy for untreated minimally active chronic hepatitis B to prevent liver disease progression , CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL GASTROENTEROLOGY , pp.e00299 -e00299 (Feb, 2021)
2. [논문] 이한길, Ah-Young Kim, Deborah Baik, Hyeonseok Cho, Jung Woo Han, Minjun Lee, Seonyoung Park, Hye-Young Kang, Cost-utility analysis of emicizumab prophylaxis in haemophilia A patients with factor VIII inhibitors in Korea , HAEMOPHILIA , pp.e12 -e21 (Jan, 2021)
3. [논문] 이한길, Hye-Young Kang, Sun-Young Jung, Young-Mock Lee, Incidence of Guillain–Barré Syndrome is not associated with influenza vaccination in the elderly , VACCINES , pp.431 -442 (Jul, 2020)
4. [논문] 이한길, Hyun Jeong Kim, Young June Choe, Ju-Young Shin, Signals and trends of Guillain–Barré Syndrome after the introduction of live-attenuated vaccines for influenza in the US and South Korean adverse event reporting systems , VACCINE , pp.5464 -5473 (Jun, 2020)
5. [논문] 이한길, Ah-Young Kim, Andrew Clark, Baik Lin Seong, Clint Pecenka, Dong Soo Kim, Frederic Debellut, Hwang Min Kim, Hyeonseok Cho, Ji Hong Kim, Minjun Lee, Seon Young Park, Sun-Young Jung, Hye-Young Kang, Cost-effectiveness analysis of the implementation of a National Immunization Program for rotavirus vaccination in a country with a low rotavirus gastroenteritis-related mortality: A South Korean study , VACCINE , pp.4987 -4995 (Aug, 2019)
1. [논문] Dong Keon Yon, Joseph L Ward, Min Seo Kim, Seoyeon Park, Seung Won Lee, Susan A McLaughlin, 이한길, Ai Koyanagi, Akinkunmi Paul Okekunle, Ali H Mokdad, Cho-il Kim,, Christopher J L Murray, Dong-Woo Choi, Doo Woong Lee, Eun-Cheol Park, Gyu Ri Kim, Jihee Kim, Kwanghyun Kim,, Lee Smith, Louis Jacob, Maryam Beiranvand, Max L Mehlman, Mehdi Hosseinzadeh, Navid Rabiee, Sang-woong Lee, Simon I Hay, Suneth Buddhika Agampodi, Sung Hwi Hong, Yo Han Lee, Youn Ho Shin, Jae Il Shin, Population health outcomes in South Korea 1990–2019, and projections up to 2040: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 , Lancet Public Health , pp.639 -650 (Aug, 2023)
2. [논문] David Hong, Hyunsoo Kim, 이한길, Doosup Shin, Hyeon-Cheol Gwon, Hyun Kuk Kim, Jeong Hoon Yang, Jin Lee, Joo-Yong Hahn, Juhee Cho, Ki Hong Choi, Seung Hun Lee, Seung-Hyuk Choi, Taek Kyu Park, Young Hin Song, Danbee Kang, Joo Myung Lee, Long-Term Cost-Effectiveness of Fractional Flow Reserve–Based Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Stable and Unstable Angina , JACC: Advances , Vol.1 , No.5 , pp.1 -12 (Dec, 2022)
3. [논문] 이한길, Jeong-Ju Yoo, Sang Hoon Ahn, Beom Kyung Kim, New evidence of oral branched-chain amino acid supplementation on the prognosis of patients with advanced liver disease , Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology , pp.10.14309 -10.14309 (Oct, 2022)
4. [논문] Hyeon-Soo Ahn, Jong-Wook Lee, Dong-Jin Chang, Hye-Young Kang, Jae Kyung Suh, Jinho Chang, 이한길, Comparison of Netarsudil/Latanoprost Therapy with Latanoprost Monotherapy for Lowering Intraocular Pressure: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis , Korean journal of ophthalmology : KJO , Vol.5 , pp.423 -434 (Aug, 2022)
5. [논문] 이한길, Beom Kyung Kim, Real-world clinical features, health-care utilization, and economic burden in decompensated cirrhosis patients: A national database , JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY , pp.15962 -15962 (Jul, 2022)
6. [논문] Hyunju Ji, 이한길, Yeonsoo Jang, Kyung Hee Lee, Gender Difference in Health-Related Behaviors associated with Metabolic Status-Obesity Phenotypes among Korean Adults , KOREAN JOURNAL OF ADULT NURSING , Vol.34 , No.2 , pp.149 -157 (Apr, 2022)
7. [논문] 곽나영, 강혜영, 박진영, 서재경, 이명준, 이한길, Efficacy and Safety of Opicapone for Motor Fluctuations as an Adjuvant to Levodopa Therapy in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis , JOURNAL OF PARKINSONS DISEASE , Vol.12 , No.3 , pp.773 -783 (Apr, 2022)
8. [논문] 이한길, Hye Won Lee, Beom Kyung Kim, Jae Young Jang, Young Chang, Do Young Kim, Cost-effectiveness of chronic hepatitis C screening and treatment , CLINICAL AND MOLECULAR HEPATOLOGY , Vol.28 , No.2 , pp.164 -173 (Apr, 2022)
9. [논문] 이한길, Sang Hoon Ahn, Sungin Jang, Beom Kyung Kim, Cost‑effectiveness of antiviral therapy in untreated compensated cirrhosis patient with serum HBV–DNA level 2000 IU/mL , HEPATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL , Vol.16 , No.2 , pp.294 -305 (Mar, 2022)
10. [논문] Jong-Wook Lee, 이한길, Hye-Young Kang, Association between depression and antibiotic use: analysis of population-based National Health Insurance claims data , BMC PSYCHIATRY , pp.21 -536 (Oct, 2021)
11. [논문] Natalie C Galles, Patrick Y Liu, Rachel L Updike, 이한길, Abdu A Adamu, Akine Eshete Abosetugn, Alyssa N Sbarra, Amir Abdoli, Ashley Marks, Bright Opoku Ahinkorah, Foad Abd-Allah, Gdiom Gebreheat Abady, Hassan Abolhassani, Hedayat Abbastabar, Hedayat Abbastabar, Jason Nguyen, Kaja M Abbas, Maryam Adabi, Megan F Schipp, Nancy Fullman, Olatunji O Adetokunboh, Qorinah Estiningtyas Sakilah Adnani, Saira Afzal, Sam Rolfe, Seyed Mohammad Kazem Aghamir, Shailesh M Advani, Sohail Ahmad, Sumra Wajid Abbasi, Jonathan F Mosser, Stephen S Lim, Measuring routine childhood vaccination coverage in 204 countries and territories, 1980–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2020, Release 1 , LANCET , pp.503 -521 (Jul, 2021)
12. [논문] Ah-Young Kim, 이한길, Young Mock Lee, Hye-Young Kang, Epidemiological Features and Economic Burden of Guillain-Barré Syndrome in South Korea: A Nationwide Population-Based Study , JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROLOGY , pp.257 -264 (Mar, 2021)
13. [논문] 이한길, Beom Kyung Kim, Sang Hoon Ahn, Sung In Jang, Cost-effectiveness analysis of antiviral therapy for untreated minimally active chronic hepatitis B to prevent liver disease progression , CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL GASTROENTEROLOGY , pp.e00299 -e00299 (Feb, 2021)
14. [논문] 이한길, Ah-Young Kim, Deborah Baik, Hyeonseok Cho, Jung Woo Han, Minjun Lee, Seonyoung Park, Hye-Young Kang, Cost-utility analysis of emicizumab prophylaxis in haemophilia A patients with factor VIII inhibitors in Korea , HAEMOPHILIA , pp.e12 -e21 (Jan, 2021)
15. [논문] Ja Seo Koo, 이한길, Seong Hwan Moon, Sohee Park, Yun Mi Yu, Hye-Young Kang, Assessing the effects of National Health Insurance reimbursement policy revisions for anti-osteoporotic drugs in Korean women aged 50 or older , PLoS ONE , pp.e0244759 -e0244759 (Dec, 2020)
16. [논문] Ah-Young Kim, Seonyoung Park, 이한길, Deborah Baik, Hyeonseok Cho, Sunghwa Cho, Hye-Young Kang, Cost-utility analysis of pralatrexate for relapsed or refractory peripheral T-cell lymphoma based on a case-matched historical control study along with single arm clinical trial , BMC CANCER , pp.1157 -1157 (Nov, 2020)
17. [논문] 이한길, Hye-Young Kang, Sun-Young Jung, Young-Mock Lee, Incidence of Guillain–Barré Syndrome is not associated with influenza vaccination in the elderly , VACCINES , pp.431 -442 (Jul, 2020)
18. [논문] 이한길, Hyun Jeong Kim, Young June Choe, Ju-Young Shin, Signals and trends of Guillain–Barré Syndrome after the introduction of live-attenuated vaccines for influenza in the US and South Korean adverse event reporting systems , VACCINE , pp.5464 -5473 (Jun, 2020)
19. [논문] Hyeonseok Cho, 이한길, Ah-Young Kim, Dong Soo Kim, Hwang Min Kim, Ji Hong Kim, Hye-Young Kim, Socioeconomic impact of the rotavirus vaccine in Korea: Comparing the epidemiologic and economic characteristics of rotavirus gastroenteritis before and after the introduction of vaccines , PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL , pp.460 -465 (May, 2020)
20. [논문] 이한길, Ah-Young Kim, Baik Lin Seong, Hye-Young Kang, Seonyoung Park, Sun-Young Jung, Sunghwa Cho, Young-Mock Lee, Causality Assessment Guidelines for Adverse Events Following Immunization with a Focus on Guillain–Barré Syndrome , VACCINES , pp.101 -115 (Feb, 2020)
21. [논문] Seungjin Choi, Dong-Ho Song, Keun-Ah Choen, 이한길, Population-based epidemiology of pediatric patients with treated tic disorders from real-world evidence in Korea , JOURNAL OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY , pp.764 -772 (Dec, 2019)
22. [논문] 이한길, Goun Kim, Sang Yong Kim, Hye-Young Kang, Public preferences for corporate social responsibility activities of the pharmaceutical industry: Empirical evidence from Korea , PLoS ONE , pp.e0221321 -e0221321 (Aug, 2019)
23. [논문] 이한길, Ah-Young Kim, Andrew Clark, Baik Lin Seong, Clint Pecenka, Dong Soo Kim, Frederic Debellut, Hwang Min Kim, Hyeonseok Cho, Ji Hong Kim, Minjun Lee, Seon Young Park, Sun-Young Jung, Hye-Young Kang, Cost-effectiveness analysis of the implementation of a National Immunization Program for rotavirus vaccination in a country with a low rotavirus gastroenteritis-related mortality: A South Korean study , VACCINE , pp.4987 -4995 (Aug, 2019)
24. [논문] Hyeonseok cho, 이한길, Hyun-Jai Cho, Sung-Hee Oh, Hye-Young Kang, The incremental economic burden of heart failure: a population-based investigation from South Korea , PLoS ONE , pp.e0208731 -e0208731 (Dec, 2018)
25. [논문] 이한길, Dong-Ho Song, Euna Han, Hye-Young Kang, Nationwide epidemiologic study of atypical antipsychotic use among pediatric population with mental illness in Korea , JOURNAL OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY , pp.1 -11 (Apr, 2018)
26. [논문] 이한길, Dong-Ho Song, Euna Han, Jin-Won Kwong, Min-Jung Chang, Hye-Young Kang, Assessing the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus among children and adolescents with psychiatric disorders treated with atypical antipsychotics: A population-based nested case-control study , EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY , pp.1321 -1334 (Feb, 2018)
27. [논문] 이한길, Hyung Keun Lee, Yong-Jung Jang, Hye-Young Kang, Patient awareness of cataract and age-related macular degeneration among the Korean elderly: a population-based study , Korean journal of ophthalmology : KJO , pp.557 -567 (Dec, 2017)
1. [논문] 김아영, 강서윤, 조윤, 박영실, 백희조, 이한길, Emicizumab Prophylaxis in Patients with Hemophilia A Undergoing Immune Tolerance Induction Therapy: A Systematic Review , 약학회지 , Vol.2 , pp.75 -84 (Apr, 2023)
2. [논문] 박보경, 이한길, 적절한 폐의약품 처리 방법에 대한 약대생의 인식 및 지식 설문조사 , 한국보건사회약료경영학회지 , Vol.10 , No.2 , pp.50 -60 (Nov, 2022)
3. [논문] Uiemo Je, 이한길, Byeong-Ju Kwon, Chul Ho Chang, Hee-Kyo Jeong, Sung-Uk Kuh, A Micro-Costing Analysis of Flexible BronchoscopicIntubation in a Korean Tertiary Hospital , Journal of Health Technology Assessment , Vol.1 , pp.51 -57 (Jun, 2022)
4. [논문] Hyeon-Soo Ahn, Sol Kwon, 이한길, Euna Han, Hye-Young Kang, Focus Group Interview of Stakeholders to Derive Checklists for Future Real-world Data and Real-world Evidence Use in Regulatory Decision Making for Drugs , 약학회지 , Vol.66 , No.2 , pp.66 -75 (Apr, 2022)
5. [논문] 박유미, 이선화, 강혜영, 서재경, 이한길, ALK-양성 비소세포성 폐암 환자 대상 Alectinib과 Crizotinib의 무진행 생존기간 효능 비교: 체계적 문헌 고찰 및 메타분석 , 한국보건사회약료경영학회지 , Vol.9 , No.2 , pp.80 -87 (Dec, 2021)
6. [논문] 오성우, 이한길, 신지연, 이정훈, 딥러닝 기반 항생제 내성균 감염 예측 , The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies , pp.105 -120 (Feb, 2019)
7. [논문] 이민준, 이한길, 조현석, 강혜영, 로타바이러스 백신 경제성평가 연구에 대한 체계적 문헌고찰 , J Health Tech Assess , pp.148 -155 (Dec, 2018)
8. [논문] 이한길, Hyeonseok Cho, Hye-Young Kang, Investigating potential problems in comparator drug selection for cost-effectiveness assessment of newly approved drugs for reimbursement decision , Journal of Health Technology Assesment , pp.59 -65 (Jun, 2017)
1. [학술회의] 이한길, Application of External Comparators Using Rea-world Data in Healthcare Technology Assessment: Focusing on a Historical Cohort Example , 2022 Fall International Convention of Pharmaceutical Society of Korea , pp.125 -125 (Oct, 2022)
2. [학술회의] 조윤, 이한길, 강서윤, 안정훈, Critical review of cost-effectiveness studies of nusinersen in patients with spinal muscular atrophy , 2022 Fall International Convention of Pharmaceutical Society of Korea , pp.1047 -1047 (Oct, 2022)
3. [학술회의] David Hong, Joo Myung Lee, 이한길, Doosup Shin, Hyeon-Cheol Gwon, Hyun Kuk Kim, Jeong Hoon Yang, Jin Lee, Joo-Yong Hahn, Ki Hong Choi, Seung Hun Lee, Seung-Hyuck Choi, Taek Kyu Park, Young Bin Song, Long-Term Cost-Effectiveness of Fractional Flow Reserve in Stable and Unstable Angina Patients , Thirty-Fourth Annual Symposium Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) (Sep, 2022)
4. [학술회의] 조윤, 이한길, Differences in the Use of Medications for Treated ADHD patients between children and adults from Real-World Data in Korea , 38th International Conference of Pharmacoepidemiology (Aug, 2022)
5. [학술회의] 이한길, Assessment of adverse events following influenza vaccination using real-world big data , 2022 Spring International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea , pp.118 -118 (Apr, 2022)
6. [학술회의] 조윤, 이한길, Nationwide prescription trends of methylphenidate in Korea using the Narcotics Information Management System data , 2022 Spring International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea , pp.590 -590 (Apr, 2022)
7. [학술회의] 이한길, Gang Fang, Izabela E. Annis, Ryan P. Hickson, Imbalanced Data Bias in Logistic Regression to Estimate Treatment Effects: Results from a Virtual Patient Cohort Simulation , International Conference of Pharmacoepidemiology (ICPE) 2021 , pp.243 -244 (Aug, 2021)
8. [학술회의] 이한길, Beom Kyung Kim, Cost-effectiveness analysis for expanding the coverage of antiviral drugs in patients with untreated minimally active chronic hepatitis B , 2021 Spring International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea (Apr, 2021)
1. [학술회의] 이한길, 보험의약품 관리 제도: 비용-효과분석을 중심으로 , 대한간암학회 제17차 정기학술대회 (Mar, 2023)
저서 및 번역
1. [저서] 박래웅, 이한길, 김명규, 김재현, 남진현, 박선경, 서혜선, 신주영, 양보람, 이승미, 이혜성, 이혜재, 장선미, 전하림, 정선영, 최남경, 한국의약품안전관리원, 한솔아, 한은아, 보건의료 빅데이터 연구방법론 (Mar, 2023)
2. [저서] 손현순, 이한길, 권진원, 김성옥, 박선경, 박혜경, 배승진, 변진옥, 최상은, 약사윤리학 , pp.85-105,225-227 (Sep, 2022)